Curated Shop - Order Information

Casulo Curated Shop Order Procedure with the following details:
  1. For orders please send us an email to 
  2. Contact information - Please provide us with your contact information, including full name, post address, country,phone number and email address. 
  3. Products/Items you want - Please choose all the products you want to buy in one email - you can use the direct link of our curated shop.
  4.  Please tell us on the same email how you want to pay your order:
Payment method 
  • PayPal
  • MBWay
  • RM (referência multibanco) - only available to Portugal
  • Bank Transfer to:
PT50 0010 0000 5306 4800 0016 0

▼  When we receive your order by email, we will send you ORDER CONFIRMATION and inform you of total price. 
▼ Please pay within 1 week after the date that is mentioned in ORDER CONFIRMATION.